Hi!, I'm a 27 year old photographer from Puebla, Mexico. I am in a constant search for getting better behind the lens. I feel very lucky for being married to an awesome woman who supports me and feeds my inspiration. I'm very passionate about photography, weddings, travels and F1 cars. May you enjoy all the contents of this blog!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wedding video masters.

Bueno pues el Sabadin pasado tuve el placer de conocer a Ric Grajeda, un chavo que además de tener un trabajode video impecable y de calidad increíble es una excelente persona. El es el creador de REELOVE, una empresa de Monterrey dedicada al video de bodas. Les recomiendo checar su sitio y ojala tenga el gusto de trabajar más veces con Ric en el futuro.

Last Saturday I hat the pleasure to meet Ric Grajeda, a very talented guy behind the video camera but also an incredible person. He is the creator of REELOVE a company from Monterrey, Mexico dedicated to Wedding Video. I recommend you to check out his site, I really hope that we can share more assignments together in the future.


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