Hi!, I'm a 27 year old photographer from Puebla, Mexico. I am in a constant search for getting better behind the lens. I feel very lucky for being married to an awesome woman who supports me and feeds my inspiration. I'm very passionate about photography, weddings, travels and F1 cars. May you enjoy all the contents of this blog!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Natural Light is Beautiful

Resistirme a subir esta foto fué imposible. Esta mañana justo después de encender mi laptop para checar mis correos me topé con esta vista. Estos son los perfumes de mi esposa, la pic fue tomada alrededor de las 7:30 a.m. y la luz que en ese momento les caía era hermosa. Siempre hay que estar atentos a los detalles que nos rodean, hay cosas increibles por descubrir y fotografiar!

It was impossible to resist to upload this photo. This morning right after I turned on my laptop to check my emails I had this cool sight right behind me. These are my wife's perfumes, the picture was taken at about 7:30 a.m. and the light falling over them was just beautiful. No doubt that we have to keep our eyes open to the details, there are very cool things to discover and shoot out there!

Camera: Nikon D300
F-Stop: f/10
Focal Length: 35mm
Exposure Time: 0.62 Sec
ISO: 400


omarolvera said...

Great pic, I love coco Chanel

Veronica Hernandez said...

Bebe!!! mis perfumes jajaja...que linda fotito..=**

Anonymous said...

dile q te compre mas verito para q les tome mas pics =)

Anonymous said...

jejeje si... es buena tecnica Kary... le dire a Fidel que me compre muchos perfumitos para que practique! :P

Dani... esta super la pic!!!... para anuncio publicitario de coco chanel =)