Hi!, I'm a 27 year old photographer from Puebla, Mexico. I am in a constant search for getting better behind the lens. I feel very lucky for being married to an awesome woman who supports me and feeds my inspiration. I'm very passionate about photography, weddings, travels and F1 cars. May you enjoy all the contents of this blog!

Friday, August 22, 2008


Estos últimos días han sido de mucho aprendizaje. Mi amigo Fer me recordó un libro que nos recomendaron llamado The Fast Track Photographer de Dane Sanders.

Yo opino que todos en algún momento necesitamos relajarnos un momento y aceptar la persona que de verdad somos y este libro puede ayudar mucho para conseguir ese respiro. Yo le recomiendo este texto a todo mundo, seas o no fotógrafo, seas o no dueño de un negocio. Ojalá se den la oportunidad de conseguir una copia y se den una vuelta por las páginas de este libro, que en general, lo enseña y motiva a uno a sentirse cómodo con quien uno es de verdad, a ser auténtico y a 'tomar al toro por los cuernos' aceptando tus defecto y maximizando tus virtudes.

Saludos y buen fin de semana para todos!

I feel like I've learned a lot in these past few days. My friend Fer reminded me that we were encouraged to read the book The Fast Track Photographer from Dane Sanders and so I did.

I believe there is a time when all of us need a break to feel comfortable with who we really are and I believe this book is a great tool to take that break. I recommend this book to everyone, it doesn't really matter if you are a photographer or not, or if you are a business owner or not, In my opinion, this book is for everyone. I hope that you have the chance to go through its pages and find some inspiration there, I'm sure it will help you to keep motivated and to feel great with yourself. This book will really encourage you to take the bull by the horns accepting your defects and maximizing your talents.

May all of you have a great weekend!


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