Hi!, I'm a 27 year old photographer from Puebla, Mexico. I am in a constant search for getting better behind the lens. I feel very lucky for being married to an awesome woman who supports me and feeds my inspiration. I'm very passionate about photography, weddings, travels and F1 cars. May you enjoy all the contents of this blog!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Everardo es el niño más sonriete que ha estado detras de nuestras cámaras, increible humor, increible sonrisa, fue todo un placer poder tomarle algunas fotos y guardar los momentos de su bautizo.

Everardo is the happiest boy that we have seen behind our lens, awesome humor and incredible smile. It was a great pleasure to take a few shots of him and his family as well as being able to capture some memories of his baptism.


1 comment:

Criss said...

que bien!!, ya hacia falta verte en un blog. Las imagenes súper como siempre.

un saludo. Criss