Hi!, I'm a 27 year old photographer from Puebla, Mexico. I am in a constant search for getting better behind the lens. I feel very lucky for being married to an awesome woman who supports me and feeds my inspiration. I'm very passionate about photography, weddings, travels and F1 cars. May you enjoy all the contents of this blog!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Madai's Bridal Shower on 4.5.08

La despedida de soltera de Madai fué un evento en el que tuve muchas sorpresas muy gratas. Sólo asistimos dos horas, pero fueron suficientes para captar recuerdos increibles de todas las familiares y amigas de Madai que está a escasos tres mese de comenzar su nueva vida. Gracias por todo y como siempre, te deseamos lo mejor!

Madai's Bridal Shower was and event that brought me many pleasant surprises. Only two hours were enough to capture incredible memories of Madai's friends and relatives that day. As always, we wish her the best in her new life to come starting next October!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hola Daniel,

Parece que las muchachas se divirtieron mucho!, las fotos excelentes, me gustan los colores y toda la emocion que capturaste.